Who controls your Pension?

  Imagine continuing paying into your stereotypical pension pot even though you realise that potentially it was not really fit for purpose and would not generate the income that you required in retirement. Some people may argue that at least you obtain...

Can Buy to Let Property prop up your Pension?

Have you ever wondered why property as an Investment is proving so popular?  We have discussed various reasons why people wish to become involved, but as this article expresses many of us are simply trying to better our financial outlook for the future and who could...

Buy-to-Let Manchester on the rise

We love these articles which simply back up our thoughts here at Property4Pensions.co.uk. Student Buy to Let is a great way to invest in property without the day to day management of running your own Buy to Let portfolio. Location and demand for your property are...

In 60 Seconds!

So much is changing every minute of every day.  The passage of time seems to be speeding up!  As our hectic lives get busier and busier, one thing remains constant and that is we are all getting older even though we may not feel it?  I know this is the case as I still...

Wake up to the Pensions Reality!

Every day we pick up the papers or watch the news to see yet another story or headline concerning our retirement or pensions in general. The whole idea of individuals working for most of their lives only to retire on income that is well below what they would like or...