Everyday it appears that many of us are going to face an uncertain financial future, also highlights how ill equipped most people are when it come to really understanding issues such as pension/retirement income.
Sorry to keep posting articles that all seem to be dome and gloom BUT the importance of the message is so vital to understand.
The message is simple
“So many things are out of our control but to do no planning to ensure we are better off in the future seems a little foolish to say the least”.
Ask yourself a few basic questions and hopefully your answer will lead you to the conclusion that sometimes we all need a little help!
- Have you reviewed your current retirement plans?
- Do you know when and how much income you will have?
- How much the “state” will provide and when?
- Have you actually taken 5 minutes to actually give any thought to what you really want financially in the future?
Hope this makes you think and question yourself, perhaps for the very first time.