So much is changing every minute of every day. The passage of time seems to be speeding up! As our hectic lives get busier and busier, one thing remains constant and that is we are all getting older even though we may not feel it? I know this is the case as I still remember certain songs on the radio and then guess the year, every time I am so far off the mark – it is a joke.
Property4Pensions was established to try to awaken in all of us the reality of this passage of time in connection to our financial futures. If we sit on the sidelines as time passes by then we can be sure of one thing and that is the clock will pause at our retirement. The game will change, as it will then say “continue playing but we must remove your income and replace it with your retirement funds”.
The sad truth is that most of us will be unprepared for this eventuality even though we all had the same amount of time given to us.