by Mark Bailey | Jul 25, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
Do you think that your current financial plans are on course and will produce the comfortable retirement that you and your family are looking for? Most prospective clients are coming to a point in their lives where they are taking stock on everything that has happened...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 15, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
We love these little snippets of positive news on how individuals have simply investigated the possibilities of property investment (Buy2Let) as a way forward to becoming financially better off in the future. Too many of us simply sit on the fence and do nothing! We...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 14, 2014 | Newspaper Headlines, Pension
Work until 70 to earn a pension, says watchdog: Payout age could rise as soon as 2037 to help plug multi-million pound hole in public finances State pension age to rise to 70 in 2063 according to ‘central projection’ But milestone could be reached as soon...
by Mark Bailey | Jan 8, 2014 | Newspaper Headlines, Pension
Everyday it appears that many of us are going to face an uncertain financial future, also highlights how ill equipped most people are when it come to really understanding issues such as pension/retirement income. Sorry to keep posting articles that all seem to be...
by Mark Bailey | Jan 8, 2014 | Newspaper Headlines, Pension
Maybe it is or maybe it is not. The fact remains that the final outcome is out of your control anyway! As we have stated on numerous occasions, you must wake up to the real reality that a comfortable retirement is down to the decisions you personally make today....
by Mark Bailey | Jan 8, 2014 | Newspaper Headlines, Pension
A moment to reflect on your own situation might be a worthwhile exercise. Sometimes we are caught up in our day to day challenges, simply unaware of what tomorrow may bring. But our message is loud and clear, if you do not change today then the REAL reality of a very...