by Mark Bailey | Jul 25, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
Do you think that your current financial plans are on course and will produce the comfortable retirement that you and your family are looking for? Most prospective clients are coming to a point in their lives where they are taking stock on everything that has happened...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 15, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
We love these little snippets of positive news on how individuals have simply investigated the possibilities of property investment (Buy2Let) as a way forward to becoming financially better off in the future. Too many of us simply sit on the fence and do nothing! We...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 18, 2013 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Student Accommodation
Property 4 Pensions loves the idea of educating prospective clients on the whole idea of using property to top up their existing planning regarding retirement. We have touched on the idea of Joint Venture partnership on our Home Page, this article simply highlights...
by Mark Bailey | May 24, 2013 | Mindset, Newspaper Headlines, Student Accommodation
Here at Property4Pensions we believe in keeping our clients up to date in order that they may make informed decisions based on fact and knowledge. There is no doubt that Student Accommodation has proved a very popular investment choice due to its consistent rental...
by Mark Bailey | May 20, 2013 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Student Accommodation
Have you ever thought to yourself “How can I become a Landlord?” as if it was something that was unachievable and that the people who were involved must have something different about them. Unfortunately I think this misconception is usually carried with...
by Mark Bailey | May 20, 2013 | Mindset
So much is changing every minute of every day. The passage of time seems to be speeding up! As our hectic lives get busier and busier, one thing remains constant and that is we are all getting older even though we may not feel it? I know this is the case as I still...