by Mark Bailey | Jul 25, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
Do you think that your current financial plans are on course and will produce the comfortable retirement that you and your family are looking for? Most prospective clients are coming to a point in their lives where they are taking stock on everything that has happened...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 15, 2014 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Pension
We love these little snippets of positive news on how individuals have simply investigated the possibilities of property investment (Buy2Let) as a way forward to becoming financially better off in the future. Too many of us simply sit on the fence and do nothing! We...
by Mark Bailey | Sep 12, 2013 | Buy to Let, Portfolio Building, Rich Dad Poor Dad
In the book entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad we are educated in the difference between good debt and bad debt. Unfortunately, we are brought up with lack of financial education so are unable to distinguish between the two types of debt. All debt is classed as bad as we...
by Mark Bailey | Jul 18, 2013 | Buy to Let, Mindset, Student Accommodation
Property 4 Pensions loves the idea of educating prospective clients on the whole idea of using property to top up their existing planning regarding retirement. We have touched on the idea of Joint Venture partnership on our Home Page, this article simply highlights...
by Mark Bailey | Jun 17, 2013 | Buy to Let
Have you ever wondered why property as an Investment is proving so popular? We have discussed various reasons why people wish to become involved, but as this article expresses many of us are simply trying to better our financial outlook for the future and who could...
by Mark Bailey | Jun 8, 2013 | Buy to Let
We love these articles which simply back up our thoughts here at Student Buy to Let is a great way to invest in property without the day to day management of running your own Buy to Let portfolio. Location and demand for your property are...