Do you think that your current financial plans are on course and will produce the comfortable retirement that you and your family are looking for?
Most prospective clients are coming to a point in their lives where they are taking stock on everything that has happened in the past, as well as their current situation and are at a crossroads.
Firstly, should I continue down the path that I have always travelled? Reliance on stereotypical pensions that I never really understood! Is it wise to have numerous “pension pots” from different employers and personal “pension pots” that I have given up on for whatever reason?
- Is there any alternative to the stereotypical pension route?
- Can I use my existing funds to invest in alternative propositions – such as property?
A clear, alternative path could be the answer.
Property4Pensions encourages prospective clients to take stock, establish if existing plans are working and explore alternative options where existing pensions funds could be used perhaps to invest in Commercial property via SIPP or SSAS. These types of schemes are available but perhaps no one has ever mentioned them before.
At the very least you would be more informed by investigating your options as opposed to blindly continuing on the same old path where the only destination is disappointment and an uncomfortable retirement.
The drawing of the line under existing planning and options thereof, leads our prospective clients into the broader discussion point of property investing i.e. Buy to Let. The purchase of a property, for the sole purpose of letting it in exchange for rent. This rent should be sufficient to cover any mortgage payments on the property as well as giving the owner i.e. potentially YOU a surplus of rent above the running costs
This additional income stream can sometimes make all the difference.
- How would your financial position change if you had £200.00 per month extra coming into your family’s household.
Most of our clients start with this additional property to let out approach, but by working with us build additional properties into their portfolio. The mindset is different as they now see themselves as landlords.
There are so many stories that highlight why we think property is the answer, irrespective of where you are today
From the initial possibility of using existing pensions to access property investment (Commercial Property), to the addition of a property to give a little light at the end of the tunnel for our retirement – no one knows how much our investment property will be worth 10, 15, 20 years in the future.
Lastly, to the individual who takes the time to really understand how property can change their financial future to a level that we can only aspire to, this article highlights how certain individuals have embraced becoming landlords but it should also highlight we can all change our financial outlook, a step at a time.
Your first step is to email myself and simply start your journey.